Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Perfect Work of Art!

We took the kids to the Peabody Essex Museum and they had a great time. Andres wanted to touch everything and Sofia had a hard time using her "inside voice", well I guess we all did. It was a lot of fun!

Oh, in the museum Sofia and Andres were part of the exhibition. hahaha!

Please keep praying for our family. We only have a couple months left in MA and as we set our hearts to Florida again, we still pray for God's perfect will and provision. Also Sofia, Andres and me (Margarita) are sick. I caught the flu and Sofia followed. Andres... well ...somebody called "Fifi" that is, Sofia, sprayed "Spray and Wash" inside his eyes and it was not a pleasant experience. The doctor said that he will be fine, but his eyes are going to hurt for a couple of days. aaahhh! What a week! That's not counting church and Seminary.
I let Marcos write more on that later. But, this is a little something we are doing... the ladies of the church and I started a Women's Ministry for the community. The first meeting went great. We had a Catholic lady that visited us and I was impacted with her testimony of her battle with cancer and how her faith has kept her strong. It was powerful, Praise God!

We love you all, Marcos and Margarita

P.S. We have some clips of videos we took, but we have no idea how to blog them. HELP!!!

Andres is Sleeping in a Bed!!!